Crash when cutting LTS has been fixed.
Crash when deleting RC beam reinforcement has been fixed
Improvements on DXF import
Eccentricities of objects have changed due to modification of tapered member representation in case of frame corner in the last update. They are now adjusted to new representation.
In some cases, objects were selected even when not visible on the screen. The bug has been fixed.
Distributed wind loads were not possible to select by drawing a window from left to right. The bug has been fixed. In files created with earlier versions, the affected wind loads may have to be replaced or regenerated.
There was a problem with creating and loading macro welded box sections. The bug has been fixed.
Changing the seismic calculation method did not resulted in deleting the load combinations, only when initiating on Mass tab. The working process is harmonized now with Loads tab.
In some cases, the screen was flashing after analysis. The bug has been fixed.
There was a problem with composite beam design. The bug has been fixed.
Parameters of several sections in Chinese section library have been corrected.
Unreasonably high utilization ratios for hollow sections exposed to high torsion were fixed.