Loads a stiffened macro section into the section list. (since CS 17)
Sections have to be loaded into the current model file to be able to be used in the model. Initially in a new model file the section list is empty. There are several ways to load in, or create a section: library section, macro section, user drawn section. This command loads in cold-formed macro sections with optional stiffeners.
Macro sections that can not have stiffeners can be loaded in with the LOAD_SECTION_MACRO command.
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] [Macro type] [Section name] [Material name] Size parameters... [Forming method] [Thickness tolerance]
S1 [Stiffener type] Stiffener parameters...
S2 [Stiffener type] Stiffener parameters...
Command parameters
Command parameter | Assignment | Value format | Input options |
Object ID | Required | String | Local, variable |
Macro type | Required | Predefined strings | Local, variable |
Section name | Required | String | Local, variable |
Material name | Required | Predefined strings | Local, variable |
Size parameters | Required | Numerical | Local, variable |
Forming method | Optional | Predefined strings | Local, variable |
Thickness tolerance | Optional | Predefined strings | Local, variable |
Object ID:
A string of characters that is used to identify the object that is being created. The string can contain letters, numbers and special characters as well. It can be defined as a variable that contains the string or directly as a string of characters between apostrophes.
For example:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED $Section_ID [Macro type] [Section name] [Material name] [parameter1] [parameter2] etc.
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED “Section ID 1” [Macro type] [Section name] [Material name] [parameter1] [parameter2] etc.
Object ID-s have to be unique for every object across all object types (eg.: sections, members, plates, loads, etc.).
Macro type:
Type of macro to be used.
Available macro types:Macro type name | Macro type |
Cold-formed C | CF-C |
Cold-formed Z | CF-Z |
Cold-formed Sigma | CF-SIGMA |
Cold-formed Zeta | CF-ZETA |
Cold-formed Omega | CF-OMEGA |
Section name:
Name of the section that will appear in the section list in Consteel. String of characters between apostrophes.
Material name:
Name of the material to be used for the section. String of characters between apostrophes. Exact match is necessary with the Consteel material names.
For example:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] [Macro type] [Section name] "S350GD+Z EN10346" [parameter1] [parameter2] etc.
The material names can be viewed in Consteel at the highlighted area of the material dialogue name dropdown.Size parameters:
Section parameters like height, breadth, thickness, etc.. The quantity and meaning of the parameters depend on the macro type.
Forming method:
Valid inputs:- Cold rolled (default)
- Press broken
- Other cold formed
Thickness tolerance:
Valid inputs:- Normal (default)
- Special
Stiffener definition
To add a stiffener to the section, the stiffener data have to be defined in a row immediately after the LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED command. The available stiffener positions and their types depend on the macro type. Each additional row defines 1 stiffener.
[Stiffener position] [Stiffener type] [Stiffener shape] [Parameter 1] [Parameter 2] ...
Stiffener position
Defines into which position the stiffener will be added. The available stiffener positions depend on the macro type.
Valid inputs:
- S1
- S2
- S3
- S4
- S5
Stiffener types
Available stiffener types:
Stiffener type name | Stiffener type (type this into Descript) |
Edge stiffener | Edge_Stiffener |
Flange stiffener | Flange_Stiffener |
Web stiffener | Web_Stiffener |
Edge stiffener (single folded):
[Stiffener position] Edge_Stiffener [b] [alpha] [R]
- b: stiffener length [mm]
- alpha: fold angle [°]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
Sample code:
S1 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4
Edge stiffener (double folded):
[Stiffener position] Edge_Stiffener [b] [alpha] [R1] [c] [beta] [R2]
- b: 1st fold length [mm]
- alpha: 1st fold angle [°]
- R1: 1st rounding radius [mm]
- c: 2nd fold length [mm]
- beta: 2ndfold angle [°]
- R2: 2nd rounding radius [mm]
Sample code:
S5 Edge_Stiffener 20 90 4 20 90 4
Flange stiffener (Triangular):
[Stiffener position] Flange Stiffener Triangular [l] [h] [R] [x]
- l: length [mm]
- h: height [mm]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
- x: distance from flange end [mm]
Sample code:
S2 Flange_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 20
Flange stiffener (Rounded):
[Stiffener position] Flange Stiffener Rounded [d] [R] [x]
- d: diameter [mm]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
- x: distance from flange end [mm]
Sample code:
S4 Flange_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 20
Web stiffener (Triangular):
[Stiffener position] Web Stiffener Triangular [l] [h] [R] [Position] [x1] [Side 1] [x2] [Side 2]
- l: length [mm]
- h: height [mm]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
- Position: Valid inputs: FromA, FromB, RelFromA
- x1: 1st distance from flange end [mm] or [%]
- Side 1: 1st stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right
- x2: 2nd distance from flange end [mm] or [%] (optional parameter)
- Side 2: 2nd stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right (optional parameter)
The presence of the x2 and Side 2 parameters tell descript that we want a duplicated web stiffener. Therefore these parameters need to be either both present or both missing.
Sample code:
S3 Web_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 RelFromA 50 Left // Single
S3 Web_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 RelFromA 25 Left 50 Left // Duplicated
Web stiffener (Rounded):
[Stiffener position] Web Stiffener Rounded [d] [R] [Position] [x1] [Side 1] [x2] [Side 2]
- d: diameter [mm]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
- Position: Valid inputs: FromA, FromB, RelFromA
- x1: 1st distance from flange end [mm] or [%]
- Side 1: 1st stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right
- x2: 2nd distance from flange end [mm] or [%] (optional parameter)
- Side 2: 2nd stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right (optional parameter)
The presence of the x2 and Side 2 parameters tell descript that we want a duplicated web stiffener. Therefore these parameters need to be either both present or both missing.
Sample code:
S3 Web_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 FromA 50 Left // Single
S3 Web_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 FromA 50 Left 51 Right // Duplicated
Web stiffener (Trapezoidal):
[Stiffener position] Web _Stiffener Trapezoidal [l] [h] [alpha] [R] [Position] [x1] [Side 1] [x2] [Side 2]
- l: length [mm]
- h: height [mm]
- alpha: fold angle [°]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
- Position: Valid inputs: FromA, FromB, RelFromA
- x1: 1st distance from flange end [mm] or [%]
- Side 1: 1st stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right
- x2: 2nd distance from flange end [mm] or [%] (optional parameter)
- Side 2: 2nd stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right (optional parameter)
The presence of the x2 and Side 2 parameters tell descript that we want a duplicated web stiffener. Therefore these parameters need to be either both present or both missing.
Sample code:
S2 Web_Stiffener Trapezoidal 20 6 15 2 FromA 50 Right // Single
S2 Web_Stiffener Trapezoidal 20 6 15 2 FromA 50 Right 50 Right // Duplicated
Detailed description of macro types
Cold-formed C
Macro type:
Notation | Definition |
h | Section height |
b1 | Upper flange width |
b2 | Lower flange width |
t | Thickness |
R | Rounding radius |
Parameter notations substituted into the command syntax:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] CF-C [Section name] [Material name] [h] [b1] [b2] [t] [R]
Available stiffener positions and types:
- S1: Edge stiffener
- S2: Flange stiffener
- S3: Web stiffener
- S4: Flange stiffener
- S5: Edge stiffener
Sample code:
Simplest form: (minimal parameters, no stiffeners)
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-C "CF C (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4
All parameters and stiffeners:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-C "CF C (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4 "Press broken" Special
S1 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4
S2 Flange_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 20
S3 Web_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 RelFromA 25 Left 50 Left
S4 Flange_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 20
S5 Edge_Stiffener 20 90 4 20 90 4
Cold-formed Z
Macro type:
Notation | Definition |
h | Section height |
b1 | Upper flange width |
b2 | Lower flange width |
t | Thickness |
R | Rounding radius |
Parameter notations substituted into the command syntax:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] CF-Z [Section name] [Material name] [h] [b1] [b2] [t] [R]
Available stiffener positions and types:
- S1: Edge stiffener
- S2: Flange stiffener
- S3: Web stiffener
- S4: Flange stiffener
- S5: Edge stiffener
Sample code:
Simplest form: (minimal parameters, no stiffeners)
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-Z "CF Z (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4
All parameters and stiffeners:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-Z "CF Z (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4 "Press broken" Special
S1 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4
S2 Flange_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 20
S3 Web_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 FromA 50 Left 51 Right
S4 Flange_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 20
S5 Edge_Stiffener 20 90 4 20 90 4
Cold-formed Sigma
Macro type:
Notation | Definition |
h | Section height |
b1 | Upper flange width |
b2 | Lower flange width |
t | Thickness |
R | Rounding radius |
a1 | Web top height |
a2 | Web bottom height |
alpha | Folding angle |
d | Web distance |
Parameter notations substituted into the command syntax:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] CF-SIGMA [Section name] [Material name] [h] [b1] [b2] [t] [R] [a1] [a2] [alpha] [d]
Available stiffener positions and types:
- S1: Edge stiffener
- S2: Flange stiffener
- S3: Flange stiffener
- S4: Edge stiffener
Sample code:
Simplest form: (minimal parameters, no stiffeners)
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-SIGMA "CF SIGMA (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4 40 40 50 20
All parameters and stiffeners:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-SIGMA "CF SIGMA (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4 40 40 50 20 "Press broken" Special
S1 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4
S2 Flange_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 20
S3 Flange_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 20
S4 Edge_Stiffener 20 90 4 20 90 4
Cold-formed Zeta
Macro type: