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Version: 18

General functions for tables

Basically, there are two types of tables in Consteel: the input tables and the output tables. Since tables are usually for working with a large amount of data, both table types have special features making the data managing more comfortable.

Input tables (used in the Load combinations and Analysis parameters dialogues) have the following common features:

  • clicking on the heading cells the whole column will be selected
  • multiple checking is possible for the selected cells clicking the right mouse button on any of the selected cells

  • if there is a value entry option in the table cells, multiple value entry is possible for the selected cells clicking the right mouse button and entering the value

  • The content of selected cells can be copied by pressing Ctrl+C and paste by pressing Ctrl+V in the table or to MS Excel or to other spreadsheet applications

Output tables (used on the Analysis and Global checks tabs and in the Dominant values and Model information dialogues) have the following common features:

  • the rows of the table can be ordered by any column (increasing or decreasing order) clicking to its heading cell
  • the actual table can be saved for Excel into a .csv file
  • the actual table can be saved for the documentation which can be later inserted into the report in the documentation module (see chapter Documentation for more info)