Loads a stiffened macro section into the section list.
Sections have to be loaded into the current model file to be able to be used in the model. Initially in a new model file the section list is empty. There are several ways to load in, or create a section: library section, macro section, user drawn section. This command loads in cold-formed macro sections with optional stiffeners.
Macro sections that can not have stiffeners can be loaded in with the LOAD_SECTION_MACRO command.
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] [Macro type] [Section name] [Material name] Size parameters... [Forming method] [Thickness tolerance]
S1 [Stiffener type] Stiffener parameters...
S2 [Stiffener type] Stiffener parameters...
Command parameters
Command parameter | Assignment | Value format | Input options |
Object ID | Required | String | Local, variable |
Macro type | Required | Predefined strings | Local, variable |
Section name | Required | String | Local, variable |
Material name | Required | Predefined strings | Local, variable |
Size parameters | Required | Numerical | Local, variable |
Forming method | Optional | Predefined strings | Local, variable |
Thickness tolerance | Optional | Predefined strings | Local, variable |
Object ID:
A string of characters that is used to identify the object that is being created. The string can contain letters, numbers and special characters as well. It can be defined as a variable that contains the string or directly as a string of characters between apostrophes.
For example:
LOADSECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED $Section_ID [Macro type] [Section name] [Material name] [parameter1] [parameter2] _etc.
LOADSECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED “Section ID 1” [Macro type] [Section name] [Material name] [parameter1] [parameter2] _etc.
Object ID-s have to be unique for every object across all object types (eg.: sections, members, plates, loads, etc.).
Macro type:
Type of macro to be used.
Available macro types:Macro type name | Macro type |
Cold-formed C | CF-C |
Cold-formed Z | CF-Z |
Cold-formed Sigma | CF-SIGMA |
Cold-formed Zeta | CF-ZETA |
Cold-formed Omega | CF-OMEGA |
Section name:
Name of the section that will appear in the section list in Consteel. String of characters between apostrophes.
Material name:
Name of the material to be used for the section. String of characters between apostrophes. Exact match is necessary with the Consteel material names.
For example:
LOADSECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] [Macro type] [Section name] "S350GD+Z EN10346" [parameter1] [parameter2] _etc.
The material names can be viewed in Consteel at the highlighted area of the material dialogue name dropdown.Size parameters:
Section parameters like height, breadth, thickness, etc.. The quantity and meaning of the parameters depend on the macro type.
Forming method:
Valid inputs:- Cold rolled (default)
- Press broken
- Other cold formed
Thickness tolerance:
Valid inputs:- Normal (default)
- Special
Stiffener definition
To add a stiffener to the section, the stiffener data have to be defined in a row immediately after the LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED command. The available stiffener positions and their types depend on the macro type. Each additional row defines 1 stiffener.
[Stiffener position] [Stiffener type] [Stiffener shape] [Parameter 1] [Parameter 2] ...
Stiffener position
Defines into which position the stiffener will be added. The available stiffener positions depend on the macro type.
Valid inputs:
- S1
- S2
- S3
- S4
- S5
Stiffener types
Available stiffener types:
Stiffener type name | Stiffener type (type this into Descript) |
Edge stiffener | Edge_Stiffener |
Flange stiffener | Flange_Stiffener |
Web stiffener | Web_Stiffener |
Edge stiffener (single folded):
[Stiffener position] Edge_Stiffener [b] [alpha] [R]
- b: stiffener length [mm]
- alpha: fold angle [°]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
Sample code:
S1 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4
Edge stiffener (double folded):
[Stiffener position] Edge_Stiffener [b] [alpha] [R1] [c] [beta] [R2]
- b: 1st fold length [mm]
- alpha: 1st fold angle [°]
- R1: 1st rounding radius [mm]
- c: 2nd fold length [mm]
- beta: 2ndfold angle [°]
- R2: 2nd rounding radius [mm]
Sample code:
S5 Edge_Stiffener 20 90 4 20 90 4
Flange stiffener (Triangular):
[Stiffener position] Flange Stiffener Triangular [l] [h] [R] [x]
- l: length [mm]
- h: height [mm]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
- x: distance from flange end [mm]
Sample code:
S2 Flange_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 20
Flange stiffener (Rounded):
[Stiffener position] Flange Stiffener Rounded [d] [R] [x]
- d: diameter [mm]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
- x: distance from flange end [mm]
Sample code:
S4 Flange_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 20
Web stiffener (Triangular):
[Stiffener position] Web Stiffener Triangular [l] [h] [R] [Position] [x1] [Side 1] [x2] [Side 2]
- l: length [mm]
- h: height [mm]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
- Position: Valid inputs: FromA, FromB, RelFromA
- x1: 1st distance from flange end [mm] or [%]
- Side 1: 1st stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right
- x2: 2nd distance from flange end [mm] or [%] (optional parameter)
- Side 2: 2nd stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right (optional parameter)
The presence of the x2 and Side 2 parameters tell descript that we want a duplicated web stiffener. Therefore these parameters need to be either both present or both missing.
Sample code:
S3 Web_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 RelFromA 50 Left // Single
S3 Web_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 RelFromA 25 Left 50 Left // Duplicated
Web stiffener (Rounded):
[Stiffener position] Web Stiffener Rounded [d] [R] [Position] [x1] [Side 1] [x2] [Side 2]
- d: diameter [mm]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
- Position: Valid inputs: FromA, FromB, RelFromA
- x1: 1st distance from flange end [mm] or [%]
- Side 1: 1st stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right
- x2: 2nd distance from flange end [mm] or [%] (optional parameter)
- Side 2: 2nd stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right (optional parameter)
The presence of the x2 and Side 2 parameters tell descript that we want a duplicated web stiffener. Therefore these parameters need to be either both present or both missing.
Sample code:
S3 Web_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 FromA 50 Left // Single
S3 Web_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 FromA 50 Left 51 Right // Duplicated
Web stiffener (Trapezoidal):
[Stiffener position] Web _Stiffener Trapezoidal [l] [h] [alpha] [R] [Position] [x1] [Side 1] [x2] [Side 2]
- l: length [mm]
- h: height [mm]
- alpha: fold angle [°]
- R: rounding radius [mm]
- Position: Valid inputs: FromA, FromB, RelFromA
- x1: 1st distance from flange end [mm] or [%]
- Side 1: 1st stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right
- x2: 2nd distance from flange end [mm] or [%] (optional parameter)
- Side 2: 2nd stiffener side. Valid inputs: Left, Right (optional parameter)
The presence of the x2 and Side 2 parameters tell descript that we want a duplicated web stiffener. Therefore these parameters need to be either both present or both missing.
Sample code:
S2 Web_Stiffener Trapezoidal 20 6 15 2 FromA 50 Right // Single
S2 Web_Stiffener Trapezoidal 20 6 15 2 FromA 50 Right 50 Right // Duplicated
Detailed description of macro types
Cold-formed C
Macro type:
Notation | Definition |
h | Section height |
b1 | Upper flange width |
b2 | Lower flange width |
t | Thickness |
R | Rounding radius |
Parameter notations substituted into the command syntax:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] CF-C [Section name] [Material name] [h] [b1] [b2] [t] [R]
Available stiffener positions and types:
- S1: Edge stiffener
- S2: Flange stiffener
- S3: Web stiffener
- S4: Flange stiffener
- S5: Edge stiffener
Sample code:
Simplest form: (minimal parameters, no stiffeners)
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-C "CF C (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4
All parameters and stiffeners:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-C "CF C (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4 "Press broken" Special
S1 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4
S2 Flange_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 20
S3 Web_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 RelFromA 25 Left 50 Left
S4 Flange_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 20
S5 Edge_Stiffener 20 90 4 20 90 4
Cold-formed Z
Macro type:
Notation | Definition |
h | Section height |
b1 | Upper flange width |
b2 | Lower flange width |
t | Thickness |
R | Rounding radius |
Parameter notations substituted into the command syntax:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] CF-Z [Section name] [Material name] [h] [b1] [b2] [t] [R]
Available stiffener positions and types:
- S1: Edge stiffener
- S2: Flange stiffener
- S3: Web stiffener
- S4: Flange stiffener
- S5: Edge stiffener
Sample code:
Simplest form: (minimal parameters, no stiffeners)
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-Z "CF Z (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4
All parameters and stiffeners:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-Z "CF Z (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4 "Press broken" Special
S1 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4
S2 Flange_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 20
S3 Web_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 FromA 50 Left 51 Right
S4 Flange_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 20
S5 Edge_Stiffener 20 90 4 20 90 4
Cold-formed Sigma
Macro type:
Notation | Definition |
h | Section height |
b1 | Upper flange width |
b2 | Lower flange width |
t | Thickness |
R | Rounding radius |
a1 | Web top height |
a2 | Web bottom height |
alpha | Folding angle |
d | Web distance |
Parameter notations substituted into the command syntax:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] CF-SIGMA [Section name] [Material name] [h] [b1] [b2] [t] [R] [a1] [a2] [alpha] [d]
Available stiffener positions and types:
- S1: Edge stiffener
- S2: Flange stiffener
- S3: Flange stiffener
- S4: Edge stiffener
Sample code:
Simplest form: (minimal parameters, no stiffeners)
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-SIGMA "CF SIGMA (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4 40 40 50 20
All parameters and stiffeners:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-SIGMA "CF SIGMA (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4 40 40 50 20 "Press broken" Special
S1 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4
S2 Flange_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 20
S3 Flange_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 20
S4 Edge_Stiffener 20 90 4 20 90 4
Cold-formed Zeta
Macro type:
Notation | Definition |
h | Section height |
b1 | Upper flange width |
b2 | Lower flange width |
t | Thickness |
R | Rounding radius |
a1 | Web top height |
a2 | Web bottom height |
alpha | Folding angle |
d1 | Web distance 1 |
d2 | Web distance 2 |
Parameter notations substituted into the command syntax:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] CF-ZETA [Section name] [Material name] [h] [b1] [b2] [t] [R] [a1] [a2] [alpha] [d1] [d2]
Available stiffener positions and types:
- S1: Edge stiffener
- S2: Flange stiffener
- S3: Flange stiffener
- S4: Edge stiffener
Sample code:
Simplest form: (minimal parameters, no stiffeners)
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-ZETA "CF ZETA (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4 40 40 50 20 20
All parameters and stiffeners:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-ZETA "CF ZETA (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 90 90 2 4 40 40 50 20 20 "Press broken" Special
S1 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4
S2 Flange_Stiffener Triangular 6 6 2 20
S3 Flange_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 20
S4 Edge_Stiffener 20 90 4 20 90 4
Cold-formed Omega
Macro type:
Notation | Definition |
h | Section height |
b | Flange width |
a | Lip size |
t | Thickness |
R | Rounding radius |
alpha | Folding angle |
Parameter notations substituted into the command syntax:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED [Object ID] CF-OMEGA [Section name] [Material name] [h] [b] [a] [t] [R] [alpha]
Available stiffener positions and types:
- S1: Edge stiffener
- S2: Web stiffener
- S3: Web stiffener (can not be duplicated, only single)
- S4: Web stiffener
- S5: Edge stiffener
Sample code:
Simplest form: (minimal parameters, no stiffeners)
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-OMEGA "CF OMEGA (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 120 40 2.5 4 60
All parameters and stiffeners:
LOAD_SECTION_MACRO_STIFFENED Sec_ID1 CF-OMEGA "CF OMEGA (Descript)" "S350GD+Z EN10346" 150 120 40 2.5 4 60 "Press broken" Special
S1 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4
S2 Web_Stiffener Trapezoidal 20 6 15 2 FromA 50 Right 50 Right
S3 Web_Stiffener Rounded 6 2 Right
S4 Web_Stiffener Trapezoidal 20 6 15 2 FromA 50 Right 50 Right
S5 Edge_Stiffener 30 120 4