The Mass tab contains functions, that are necessary for dynamic calculations. Mass cases and mass combinations can be created for masses that were placed on the model manually or converted automatically from loads into masses.
📄️ Mass cases and mass groups
Masses on the structure, just like in the case of loads, has to be grouped together in mass cases and mass groups. Before defining masses on the structure, groups and cases should be defined with using the Create mass cases and mass groups () function.
📄️ Definition of mass combinations
Definition of mass combinations works like the load combination definition (Chapter 6.3), but without the possibility to generate mass combinations automatically. Factors for each mass case have to be set manually to create a mass combination.
📄️ Creating point masses
Point mass() objects can be placed at any point of the structure. Every placed point load will be automatically assigned to the active mass case of the mass case dropdown menu.
📄️ Seismic effect
To see the detailed description of the usage of the Seismic effect, please go to the **Seismic effect** chapter!
📄️ Creating response spectrums
With the Create response spectrum() function, two types of response spectrums can be defined: